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Produktoversikt Fresenius

På denne siden finner du alle produkter som tilhører Fresenius poseskift, manuell og maskin.

A close-up of a light bulb
A couple of toothbrushes in a glass container
A toothbrush and a pair of scissors on a blue surface
Tømmepose - maskin (APD)
A light bulb on a blue surface
Extraneal adapter - maskin (APD)
A clear plastic tub with a clear lid and a couple of toothbrushes in it
Tømmepose - manuelle poseskift (CAPD)
A glass bowl with a few objects in it
Extraneal adapter - manuelle poseskift (CAPD)
A group of plastic containers with clear plastic and plastic items in them
Balance 2 liter, 1,5% (gul) - manuelle poseskift (CAPD)
A couple of glass containers with clear liquid in them
Balance 2 liter, 2,3% (grønn) - manuelle poseskift (CAPD)
A glass container with a few tubes and a few tubes
Balance 2 liter, 4,25% (rød) - manuelle poseskift (CAPD)
A clear plastic container with a clear lid and a white tube
Balance 5 liter, 2,3% (grønn) - maskin (APD)
A clear plastic container with clear liquid
Balance 5 liter, 1,5% (gul) - maskin (APD)
A clear plastic container with a clear lid and a few small yellow objects
Bicauera 3 liter, 1,5% (gul) - maskin (APD)
A clear plastic container with a clear lid and a few small white objects
Bicauera 3 liter, 2,3% (grønn) - maskin (APD)
Last updated 12/1/2023