
We consider our vision of "A healthy working life for everyone" to be a societal necessity. Our goal is to initiate and participate in research on the work environment and work-related diseases that support this vision.

The overarching research strategy of St. Olav's Hospital are focused on the following:

1. Strengthening collaboration between the university hospital and the university.
2. Integrating research into clinical practice.
3. Minimizing the time from documented treatment effectiveness to clinical implementation.
4. Delivering internationally relevant research.
5. Serving as a knowledge center for clinically and academically relevant research and research groups in the Mid-Norway region.

The main tasks of our department include assessment, treatment, and prevention of diseases, education, teaching, training of patients, caregivers, and stakeholders in the workplace, as well as research.

Our research strategy is built upon research as an integrated, equal, and prioritized part of the department's activities. High-quality research should be an integral part of the diagnosis, treatment, and follow-up of our patients. This means that a significant portion of our patients should be offered the opportunity to participate in research. As a department at a university hospital, research and research-related activities should be a natural part of the daily work for all professional groups.

Based on this strategy, we aim to develop increased expertise among the department's staff, improve the quality of research, foster young research talents, and establish a more robust research environment.

Our goal is to contribute to gaining knowledge on how work-related diseases can be prevented. To succeed, it is crucial to engage in research outside the department's clinical setting, including observational studies on relevant occupational groups.

The objective is to initiate and participate in research on the work environment and work-related diseases. Some of the research activities are directed towards the occupational groups assessed for work-related diseases at the outpatient clinic, including cohort studies where specific occupational groups are studied over time.

In our research, we have primarily focused on harmful exposures, with the aim of contributing to reducing and eliminating harmful exposure to chemical and biological substances and alleviating the burden of occupational and environmental diseases. We also aim to contribute to health-promoting research.

Last updated 1/7/2024