Research and education

The research group conducts research and education related to occupational medicine and occupational hygiene topics.

One of the department's tasks is to conduct research and assessments regarding how physical, chemical, biological, psychological, and organizational factors in the workplace impact the health of employees. This is accomplished through the department's own internally and externally funded research projects, and the department's personnel participate with their expertise in research projects conducted by occupational health services and other departments/institutions.

Our primary collaborators for project work include the Occupational Health and Safety (HMS) academic community at the Department of Industrial Economics and Technology Management (IØT) in the Faculty of Economics and the Department of Public Health and Nursing (ISM) in the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences (MH) at NTNU, as well as the National Institute of Occupational Health (STAMI), Ruralis - Institute for Rural and Regional Research, and other occupational medicine departments.

For previous projects/activities, please refer to our annual reports, a list of selected completed projects, and reports/publications.

Last updated 1/7/2024