About us

The Department of Occupational Medicine was established in 1990 on the initiative of the Ministry of Health and Social Affairs. Today, the department is part of the Clinic for Pulmonary and Occupational Medicine at St. Olavs Hospital.

The main objective of the department is to provide the population, the rest of the healthcare system, and the labor market in the health region with comprehensive and geographically equitable services in occupational medicine and occupational hygiene. Often, regardless of the cause, health problems can be exacerbated and maintained by psychological factors. Based on this, we have found it appropriate to offer consultations with a psychologist as a supplement to medical assessment.

The Department of Occupational Medicine shall base its operations on the overarching values and objectives that Helse Midt-Norge RHF and St. Olavs Hospital adhere to. An overarching value goal for our activities is to contribute to the idea that participation in the labor market should serve as a health resource and to prevent anyone from suffering health damage due to workplace-related influences.

Some other value goals for the Department of Occupational Medicine include:

  • Improving the framework for fulfilling our tasks in accordance with the hospital's and department's goals and strategic plans.
  • Conducting professionally responsible activities based on quality-assured procedures.
  • Approaching all those referred to the department, or who seek our assistance in any other way, with a positive service attitude, empathy, and respect.
  • Ensuring an inclusive and safe work environment that provides development opportunities for all employees.
  • Contributing to positive cooperation with management and other departments at the healthcare enterprise and at NTNU.
  • Conveying the importance of preventive and health-promoting work to students and other parts of the healthcare system.
Last updated 1/25/2024