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The communications department is the first point of contact for media on behalf of the hospital.

Media contacts:

E-mail:  kommunikasjon@stolav.no  

Director of Communication
Marit Kvikne
Phone: +47 930 36 997
E-mail: marit.kvikne@stolav.no

Communication advisor
Christina Yvonne Kalland
Phone: +47 975 48 580
E-mail: christina.kalland@stolav.no  

Communication advisor
Trine Nordgård Stensaas
Phone:  +47 959 05 325
E-mail: trine.nordgard.stensaas@stolav.no 

Communication advisor
Elling Finnanger Snøfugl
Phone:  +47 924 51 324
E-mail: elling.finnanger.snofugl@stolav.no   

Contact us

We also kindly ask the media to contact the communications department if planning to visit the hospital.

In respect of the patients, their families and our staff, we kindly ask you not to do any filming or photographing inside the hospital which is not dealt with and approved by the communications department.

Last updated 8/23/2024