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Vitenskapelige artikler og presentasjoner - NorSCIR


  • Annette Halvorsen, Ann Louise Pettersen, Sara Rise Langlo, Siv Anita Horn, Tiina Rekand. Realizing the potentials of a National Spinal Cord Injury Registry – 10 years of experiences. 
    Norsk Epidemiologi, 31(1-2). https://doi.org/10.5324/nje.v31i1-2.5612
  • Halvorsen, A. Thesis “Living with spinal cord injury”. NTNU. Norway 2022. NTNU Open: Living with spinal cord injury

  • Halvorsen A, Pape K, Post M, Biering-Sørensen F, Engelsjord M, Steinsbekk A. Caregiving, Participation, and Quality of Life of Closest Next of Kin of Persons Living with Spinal Cord Injury in Norway. J Rehabil Med. 2022 Apr 7;54:jrm00278. doi: 10.2340/jrm.v54.2162. PMID: 35266007.

  • Annette Halvorsen, Aslak Steinsbekk, Annelie Schedin Leiulfsrud, Marcel W. M. Post, Fin Biering-Sørensen, Kristine Pape. Labour market participation after spinal cord injury. A register based cohort study. Submitted to Spinal Cord, April 2022

  • Moschovou M, Antepohl W, Halvorsen A, Pettersen AL, Divanoglou A. Temporal changes in demographic and injury characteristics of traumatic spinal cord injuries in Nordic countries - a systematic review with meta-analysis. Spinal Cord. 2022 Feb 26. doi: 10.1038/s41393-022-00772-3. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 35220414.

  • Halvorsen A, Pape K, Post MWM, Biering-Sørensen F, Mikalsen S, Hansen AN, Steinsbekk A. Participation and quality of life in persons living with spinal cord injury in Norway. J Rehabil Med. 2021 Jul 15;53(7):jrm00217. doi: 10.2340/16501977-2858. PMID: 34232321; PMCID: PMC8638721
  • A. L. Pettersen, A. Halvorsen,  S. A. Horn, T. Rekand. A national spinal cord injury registry as a quality improvement tool. Tidskriftet for Den norske legeforeningen. September 2019. Lenke
  • A. Halvorsen, A. L. Pettersen, S. M. Nilsen, K. Krizak Halle, E. Elmenhorst Schaanning, T. Rekand. Epidemiology of traumatic spinal cord injury in Norway in 2012-2016: a registry-based cross-sectional study. Spinal Cord 2018 Dec 20; https://rdcu.be/bd3lq
  • A. Halvorsen, A. L. Pettersen, S. M. Nilsen, K. Krizak Halle, E. Elmenhorst Schaanning, T. Rekand Non-traumatic spinal cord injury in Norway 2012–2016: analysis from a national registry and comparison with traumatic spinal cord injury. Spinal Cord 2018 Dec 14; 
  • Vegard Strøm, Grethe Månum, Annelie Leiulfsrud, Pia Wedege, Tiina Rekand, Annette Halvorsen, Leif Arild Fjellheim, and Johan K Stanghelle. The International SCI Survey and the Learning Health System for SCI- Country Report Norway. American Journal for Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation. Volume 96, Number 2 (Suppl), February 2017.


  • 12thNordic Spinal Cord Society Gøteborg Sweden NoSCoS 2011. NorSCIR Norwegian Spinal Cord Injury Registry, A national patient registry based on ISCIDS, the International Spinal Cord Injury Data Sets. Presentert av Erik Sigurdsen (tidligere leder for styringsgruppen NorSCIR).
  • 13th Nordic Spinal Cord Society Helsinki, Finland NoSCoS 2013. Developing a National Patient Registry for Spinal Cord Injured individuals, based on the International Spinal Cord Injury Data Sets. Presentert av Annette Halvorsen.
  • 14th Nordic Spinal Cord Society Trondheim, Norway NoSCoS 2015. Establishment of a Nordic spinal cord injury registry. Presentert av Annette Halvorsen og Ann Louise Pettersen.
  • 14th Nordic Spinal Cord Society Trondheim, Norway NoSCoS 2015 Workshop: Medical quality registries. Chair Annette Halvorsen.
  • REHAB 2016 kongress Trondheim. Norsk ryggmargsskaderegister. Presentert av Annette Halvorsen.
  • Helse- og kvalitetsregisterkonferansen Oslo 2016. Prosjekt Etablering av et nordisk ryggmargsskaderegister. Presentert av Annette Halvorsen.
  • 15th Nordic Spinal Cord Society, Linköping, Sweden NoSCoS. Experiences from the first months in operation of a common SCI Medical Quality Registry for the Nordic Countries. Presentert av Annette Halvorsen.
  • 15th Nordic Spinal Cord Society, Linköping, Sweden NoSCoS. Results from the Norwegian Spinal Cord Injury Registry (NorSCIR). Presentert av Annette Halvorsen.
  • 16th Congress of the Nordic Spinal Cord Society. København, Danmark 2019. Profile of patients with spinal cord injuries in Denmark, Norway and Iceland. Presentert av Annette Halvorsen.
  • 17th Congress of the Nordic Spinal Cord Society. Stockholm, Sverige 2022 «Results from a 
    joint Nordic collaboration – the Nordic Spinal Cord Injury Registry – what have we seen over 
    a 2 year period? 2019-2020» Presentert av Annette Halvorsen og Ann Louise Pettersen


  • 53rd International Spinal Cord Society ISCoS Annual Scientific Meeting Montreal, Canada 2015. The Norwegian Spinal Cord Injury Registry, Results from 2011-2013.
  • 55rd International Spinal Cord Society ISCoS Annual Scientific Meeting Vienna, Austria 2016. A common SCI Medical Quality Registry for the Nordic Countries, The challenges and opportunities.

  • Helse- og kvalitetsregisterkonferansen Bergen 2012. Norsk Ryggmargsskaderegister NorSCIR (Norwegian Spinal Cord Injury Registry).

  • Helse- og kvalitetsregisterkonferansen Oslo 2016. Establishment of a Nordic spinal cord injury registry, NordicSCIR.
  • 17th Congress of the Nordic Spinal Cord Society. Stockholm, Sverige 2022 «Participation and 
    quality of life in persons living with spinal cord injury in Norway”

  • 17th Congress of the Nordic Spinal Cord Society. Stockholm, Sverige 2022 Moschovou M, 
    Antepohl W, Halvorsen A, Pettersen AL, Divanoglou A. «Temporal changes in demographic 
    and injury characteristics of traumatic spinal cord injuries in Nordic countries – a systematic 
    review with meta-analysis” 

  • Helse- og kvalitetsregisterkonferansen 2021, Oslo.
    Hvordan kan Norsk ryggmargsskaderegister bidra til at sykehusene etterlever sin egen 
    anbefaling? «Livslang oppfølging for personer med en ryggmargsskade».

  • 58th ISCoS annual scientific Meeting. Nice, Frankrike 2019. Changes in American Spinal Injury Association Impairment Scale grades during primary rehabilitation for patients with traumatic spinal cord injury.

  • 59 th ISCoS annual scientific Meeting 2-4. sept 2020 Yokahama, Japan (virtuell) «Is the 
    incidence of non-traumatic spinal cord injury rising in the Nordic countries?»

  • 59 th ISCoS annual scientific Meeting 2-4. sept 2020 Yokahama, Japan (virtuell) “Changes in Quality of Life among persons with a spinal cord injury. A Norwegian SCI registry study”. 

  • Nasjonalt Servicemiljø for medisinske kvalitetsregistre; seminar for pasient- og brukerrepresentanter. Brukermedvirkning i Norsk ryggmargsskaderegister og i forskning ved Annette Halvorsen, Anders Nupen og Ingrid Njerve

Ikke vitenskapelige publikasjoner

  • Kronikk i Dagens Medisin September 2016: Verdens Ryggmargsskadedag. Skrevet av Annette Halvorsen og Ann Louise Pettersen.
  • Rapport Norden «Nordiske velfærdsalliancer» Erfaringer fra samarbeid om holdbar nordisk velfærd. Nordisk ministerråd 2016.


  • Klaus Krogh, Annette Halvorsen, Ann Louise Pettersen, Fin Biering-Sørensen. Version 2.1 of the International Spinal Cord Injury Bowel Function Basic Data Set. Spinal Cord Series and Cases (2019) 5:63.


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