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Omtale av Hel-BUP

Publisert 20.09.2017
Sist oppdatert 05.09.2022



Prosjekt tittel



Wenche L. Mangerud1
PhD: Adolescent mental health: associations with chronic pain and life style.

1.artikkel 2013
2.artikkel 2014
3.artikkel 2014
Thesis 2016
Marit S. Indredavik
Stipendiat Jorun Schei2  PhD: Psychiatric problems, protective factors and outcomes in adolescents with ADHD. The role of self-perceptions.
1. artikkel 2015
2.artikkel 2015
3.artikkel 2016
Thesis 2015
Thomas Jozefiak
 Ingunn Ranøyen
Artikkel: Prevalence and correlates of self-reported social anxiety symptoms in a clinical (CAP) and community (Young-HUNT) adolescent samples.Artikkel 2014
Thesis 2015
Thomas Jozefiak
Hanne Hoff Hansen og Cecilie Edh Hasselgård
Hovedoppgave: Bullying behavior: Psychiatric diagnosis, learning disabilities and school attendance in a clinical sample.Levert 2012
Artikkel 2014
Anne Mari Undheim
Stud. med.
Karoline A Berli Dragsnes
Hovedoppgave: Søvnproblemer hos ungdom med PTSD og tilpasningsforstyrrelse.Levert 2013May Britt Drugli
Rikke Bendixen og
Helene Berg
Hovedoppgave: Er det forskjell i opplevd familiefungering mellom ungdommer med psykiatriske diagnoser og deres foreldre?Levert 2014Tormod Rimehaug
Solveig Medalen
Hovedoppgave: Selvbilde hos unge med PTSD og tilpasningsforstyrrelser.Levert 2014May Britt Drugli

Karoline Monstad By

Elisabeth Lium

Hovedoppgave: Resilience differences among adolescents representing various households in a clinical sample.Levert 2014Anne Mari Undheim
Senterleder Odd Sverre WestbyeBrukernes erfaringer med BUP-klinikk, St. Olavs hospitalIntern skriftserie 1-2015 BUP 
Senterleder Odd Sverre WestbyeUngdom og foreldres rapporterte erfaringer med tilbudet ved BUP-klinikk, St. Olavs hospitalIntern skriftserie 2-2015 BUP 
Senterleder Odd Sverre WestbyeBrukeres erfaring med BUP-klinikk St. Olavs Hospital – En oppfølgingsundersøkelse etter 3 år.Intern skriftserie 1-2016 BUP 

Cand.psychol Chris M. Aanondsen


Artikkel: Quality of Life, family function and mental health of deaf and hard-of-hearing adolescents in mental health services in Norway – a pilot study.Submitted 2017Thomas Jozefiak
Ingunn Ranøyen

Post doc: Hvilke faktorer reduserer angst og depresjon fra ungdom til tidlig voksen alder?

Artikkel: Developmental course of anxiety and depression from adolescence to young adulthood in a prospective Norwegian clinical cohort.

Fra 2015

Submitted 2017

Eva Gulliksrud
Master: Livskvalitet hos ungdom med depresjon og/eller ADHDLevert 2016

Frode Stenseng
Ingvild Oxås Henriksen
Hovedoppgave: Selvtillit, emosjonelle vansker, og ADHD: En longitudinell studie av resiprokale sammenhenger i et klinisk utvalg av ungdommer. Artikkel: The role of self-esteem in the development of psychiatric problems: a three-year prospective study in a clinical sample of adolescents.

Levert 2016


Publisert 2017

Frode Stenseng


Ingrid Granseth

Hovedoppgave: Forekomst av potensielt traumatiserende hendelser, PTSD-symptomer og sammenheng med smertehyppighet hos ungdommer ved BUP-klinikk (Hel-BUP), sammenlignet med ungdommer generelt (Ung-HUNT 3).

Levert 2016


Trude Reinfjell


Torunn S Nøvik

Artikkel: Prospektiv 3-års oppfølgingsstudie av ungdom med ADHD og autisme spektrum tilstand.Under arbeid




Torunn S Nøvik

Artikkel: Adolescent risk factors for bipolar disorder in young adulthood: a follow-up of a clinical sample.Under arbeid 


Hilde Bjerkreim

Hanna Breivold

Hovedoppgave: Eating problems in adolescents with psychiatric disorders and in a community population 

Levert 2016

Nanna S. Kayed /

Ingunn Ranøyen


Åsmund Oksavik Oltedal

Hovedoppgave: The effect of physical activity on mental health among youth in a child and adolescent psychiatric clinic 

Levert 2017Anne Mari Undheim

Inger Lise Rasmussen 

PhD: Quality of Life in Adolescents with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity DisorderUnder arbeid fra 2017/18Anne Mari Undheim

Stipendiat Kari Skulstad Gårdvik 

PhD: Developmental pathways for psychiatric and somatic morbidity in a clinical adolescent psychiatric population in Mid-Norway

Under arbeid fra 2018Marit S. Indredavik


Tonje Hjelkrem

Marianne Gilje

Hovedoppgave: Forekomst av allergi og psykiske lidelser i et klinisk psykiatrisk ungdomsutvalg, og assosiasjoner mellom allergi og psykososiale belastningerLevert 2017Nanna S. Kayed

  1. Mangerud WL, Bjerkeset O, Lydersen S, Indredavik MS. Chronic pain and pain-related disability across psychiatric disorders in a clinical adolescent sample. BMC Psychiatry 2013;13:272 doi: 10.1186/1471-244X-13-272.
  2. Hansen HH, Hasselgård CE, Undheim AM, Indredavik MS. Bullying behavior among Norwegian adolescents: Psychiatric diagnoses and school well-being in a clinical sample. Nordic J Psychiatry 2014 Jul;68(5):355-61.  
  3. Mangerud WL, Bjerkeset O, Lydersen S, Indredavik MS. Physical activity in adolescents with psychiatric disorders and in the general population. Child Adolesc Psychiatry Ment Health 2014 Jan 22;8(1):2. doi: 10.1186/1753-2000-8-2.
  4. Mangerud WL, Bjerkeset O, Holmen TL, Lydersen S, Indredavik MS. Smoking, alcohol consumption and drug use among adolescents with psychiatric disorders compared with a population based sample. J Adolesc 2014;37:1189-99.
  5. Ranøyen I, Jozefiak T, Wallander J, Lydersen S, Indredavik MS. Self-reported social anxiety symptoms and correlates in a clinical (CAP) and a community (Young-HUNT) adolescent sample. Soc psych Psych Epidemiology 2014; DOI 10.1007/s00127-014-0888-y
  6. Schei J, Nøvik TS, Thomasen PH, Indredavik MS, Jozefiak T. Improved quality of life among adolescents with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder is mediated by protective factors: A cross sectional survey. BMC Psychiatry 2015;Volum 15.(108) doi: 10.1186/s12888-015-0491-0.
  7. Schei J, Nøvik TS, Thomsen PH, Lydersen S, Indredavik MS, Jozefiak T. What Predicts a Good Adolescent to Adult Transition in ADHD? The Role of Self-Reported Resilience. J Atten Disord 2015 Sep 23. pii:1087054715604362.
  8. Schei J, Jozefiak T, Novik TS, Lydersen S, Indredavik MS. The Impact of Coexisting Emotional and Conduct Problems on Family Functioning and Quality of Life Among Adolescents With ADHD. J Atten Disord 2016;20(5):424-33.
  9. Henriksen IO, Ranøyen I, Indredavik MS, Stenseng F. The role of self-esteem in the development of psychiatric problems: a three-year prospective study in a clinical sample of adolescents. Child Adolesc Psychiatry Ment Health 2017;11:68 https://doi.org/10.1186/s13034-017-0207-y
  10. Ranøyen I, Lydersen S, Larose TL, Weidle B, Skokauskas N, Thomsen PH, Wallander J, Indredavik MS. Developmental course of anxiety and depressive disorders from adolescence to young adulthood in a prospective Norwegian clinical cohort. Eur Child Adolesc Psychiatry. 2018 Mar 3. doi: 10.1007/s00787-018-1139-7.
  11. Aanondsen CM, Heiling K, Nøvik T, Jozefiak T. Quality of Life, family function and mental health of deaf and hard-of-hearing adolescents in mental health services in Norway – a pilot study. Submitted.
  12. Ranøyen I, Gulliksrud E, Indredavik MS, Stenseng F. Psychiatric problems and quality of life in a clinical sample of adolescents: the role of peer relations. Submitted.