Centre for research-based innovation (SFI): Mobile Mental Health
Each year, one million people in Norway and 700 million people worldwide suffer from mental disorders, accounting for 13 % of the overall burden of disease. However, only 20-30 % of those afflicted in Norway receive mental health services. Digital psychological interventions are a secure and effective way to increase access to mental health services.
The primary objective of the Centre for research-based innovation on Mobile Mental Health (CMMH) is to increase the use and impact of digital psychological interventions. The goal is to have a minimum of 15 % of all psychological interventions in Norway accessed digitally by 2025, growing to 20 % by 2030. This will increase access to evidence-based mental healthcare and have a positive impact on health outcomes, burden of disease, healthcare costs, eHealth industry and society as a whole.
The Centre for Mobile Mental Health (CMMH) has four work packages. St. Olavs hospital/RSHU is responsible for WP2 Cost-effectiveness. WP2 will focus on cost-effectiveness, budget impact, and the sustainability of digital service models.
First, there will be a cost-effectiveness study of the digital psychological intervention preventing postpartum depression “Mamma Mia”. An economic evaluation will be conducted alongside a randomized controlled trial, testing varying amount of healthcare personnel guidance, performed in both Norway and the US.
Second, WP2 will include a cost-effectiveness evaluation of “eMeistring”, internet guided therapy for anxiety, depression and social phobia. Additionally, WP2 will explore service model characteristics for eMeistring, and establish a flexible modelling framework for evaluations beyond actual clinical trials taking (e.g., amount of guidance, alternative service models, barriers and facilitators to implementation, and a long-term perspective into account).
These tasks are important for future digital healthcare interventions as evidence of cost-effectiveness and implementation are material conditions for sustainable innovation.